Monster Blog Article

Mobile-friendly websites


Is your website mobile-friendly?

Have you ever given up on a website because it took too long to load, won’t fit on the screen or stabbed at menus due to the width of your finger vs the teeny tiny ridiculous buttons? And as a result, you lost interest and closed the page?

Yes? – Congratulations, you have experienced the kind of frustration a non-mobile-responsive website brings up in all of us.

As business owners (or managers), you should make it as easy as possible for your customers to get in touch with you, and find out about the services you offer. Having a mobile-responsive website is a crucial step to get there.


What is a mobile-responsive website?

A mobile-friendly (also known as mobile-responsive) website adjusts the display to best suit the screen size of the device the website is being displayed on. It translates to a satisfying user experience as it’s easy to navigate no matter the screen size. You will be able to read the text without squinting and the buttons will be the right size for your finger. A mobile-responsive website makes all the difference, offering a frustration-free experience for your customers. They’ll be happy to visit your website again and again.

Find out if your web page is mobile-friendly

It is very easy for you to test if your website is mobile-responsive or not: Grab your smartphone or tablet and open your website in your preferred browser. If your website suits the size of your device’s screen, and it is easy to navigate: Well done, your website is mobile-responsive!

If you are still unsure, you can check by following this link:

Why do I need a mobile-responsive page?

Let the stats talk for themselves:

  • There are now more mobile users than desktop users
  • 80% of internet users own a smartphone
  • 60% of Google searches are done on smart phones
  • 40% of mobile searches are looking for local services
  • Your hard earned SEO Google rankings could be penalised if you page is not mobile friendly
  • You are providing a satisfying user experience, which will keep your customers happy and coming back

Upgrade to a mobile-friendly website with Monster Graphics without delay.

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